Joint Venture Opportunities

Thank you for exploring the idea of doing Joint Ventures with the Mastery InSight Institute. We are open to discussing a range of possibilities.

Please note: We will never directly share our customer contact information with third parties. In any JV we may do together, the Mastery Insight Institute retains private protections over our database and email lists; you retain private protections over yours. We won't ask for access to your data, so please don't ask for access to ours.

Types of JV Opportunities we'd enjoy exploring:

One-way or Mutual Guest-Blog Entry Authorship: Guest-blog authorship is a wonderful way to cross-pollenate quality lists. Depending on the fit between Jonathan's interests and yours, it might be best handled in one direction, or both.

Promotions to Email Lists or through websites: We only rarely do this as an email list owner for other entrepreneurs' products or services, and typically only with and for other NLP trainers or master practitioners whose work we adore (entirely because that's our business focus). But it happens from time to time, and our subscribers do appreciate quality recommendations. We also happily offer an "affiliate program" for people who would like to run promotions to their email list for one or more of our products or courses. We happily pay commissions on referred buyers and students -- consider this a strongly-preferred way of doing performance-based advertising. (As a reminder to all business owners in the USA, all affiliate-linked promotions need to be openly identified as such, thanks to recent FTC rules).

Shared book or product co-authorship, or shared training projects/events: We'll be very selective in what projects we'll look at, as we hope you would also be. And please note that if we decline, it's NOT a comment on the quality of your project; it's ONLY a comment on our perception of the fit of the project for Jonathan Altfeld's current direction or branding.

And more! Contact us and let us know what you're thinking!

Types of JV Opportunities we decline:

Anything remotely MLM based or Network-Marketing oriented. No offense, but if there's any Network Marketing involved, we won't touch it. We don't do business using multi-level marketing systems, and won't partner with anyone known for doing that. We're happy to accept students who want to learn NLP to become better at that; we'll happily accept coaching requests to help people grow their networks massively, but professionally, we will not personally promote or partner with MLM structures. (So please don't waste your time or ours).

Any Multi-Tier Affiliate Programs. Again, no offense intended. Sometimes we recommend products or services from highly reputable people whose work we can happily recommend. Often that's without any affiliate program, occasionally a recommendation will be affiliate-based, and if that occurs we're always up front about that (and not just because the FTC tells us we have to -- we've ALWAYS done that.

New Trainers' Products of Courses Given that we're an established training institute with nearly two decades of global training experience (since August 1997), our recommendations carry a lot of credibility, and we won't squander that reputation. We reserve our recommendations for other established contributors to the market whose work impresses us (e.g., you'll never hear us recommending any online NLP certification programs or short in-person NLP certification courses). Two exceptions: (1) Book reviews (as time permits), and (2) If you've attended multiple trainings with Jonathan in the past, and then later ask for a recommendation or testimonial for a new launch you're doing, he may know your work well enough to publically recommend your early business launches.