Welcome, Readers of "Creating Business Growth: 21 Successful Marketers Reveal Their Top Business Marketing Secrets"

A personal message from Jonathan Altfeld to you:

Thanks for your interest in my contribution to the book "Creating Business Growth!"  This page shares with you how I extend introductory gifts with new connections.  I hope you enjoy your visit and avail yourself of my materials!  Perhaps we'll get to meet in person sometime.

It was a privilege to join this book project and be counted among the extraordinary marketing minds that shared their wisdom and expertise with us all.  I've personally learned a great deal from the other authors.  I'm still working on incorporating some of their strategies!

Welcome to my Business NLP website.  Here you'll find NLP-based business courses, consulting & coaching, recorded materials, and articles/blog entries that aim to measurably enrich your life and improve your career.  

I encourage you to explore this extensive website; you'll find resources and fascinating blog entries and articles on a range of topics related to beliefs, personal and professional development, charisma, business strategies, marketing, sales, and more.  My expertise can be found where behavior meets language meets strategy.

Because these skills tend to jump contexts well, chances are you'll also gain valuable interpersonal skills for use with friends and romantic partners.

Let's open a dialogue whereby you can learn how what I do and provide will be of benefit to you.  I'm offering two ways to receive my updates.

"Just Browsing"

Your Gift: Once subscribed, you'll get my 1-page 'Sensory Rich Vocabulary' primer (PDF).  Print it, keep it by your phone, and start listening for relevant cues in people's language!

Step Requested: Subscribe to receive my email notices.  I don't send a lot of email; I'll simply share NLP stories, announce upcoming courses, share new blog entries, podcasts, and new purchasable recordings.

Here's How: On the upper right of this page, simply subscribe where it says: "Inbox Insights: NLP Stories & Updates!"  Or you can visit this subscription page powered by mailchimp.

"Seriously Interested!"

Your Gifts: Once you've completed your entry, I'll mail you my 80-minute CD "Exquisite-Ability", and my 30-page Sensory Rich Vocabulary guide booklet (and a few other goodies).

Step Requested: Complete my "Welcome Packet Request" form.  This subscribes you to my newsletter, and adds far more value.  I'll send out free gifts by mail to you.  I do this in exchange for learning more about you, and your wants and needs.

Here's How: Jump right to this "Welcome Packet Request" form.  Be sure to complete it in full, as I only ship welcome packets for complete form entries!


Privacy Policy:

In 17+ years, I have stood by my iron-clad promise to never sell, rent, share, or disclose in any way, the personal information you share with me.  

The only exception: public testimonials shared with consent by customers!